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Press Releases

Robert Quigley America’s Independent

142 Webster St NE, Washington, DC 20011

Robert Kennedy, Cornel West, The Forward Party,
The No Labels Party, The Green Party,
The Libertarian Party, The Democratic Party,
The Republican Party, The Reform Party,
The Constitutional Party, All Independents,
All Other Political Parties,

Open Letter To Individuals, Parties & Voters Quigley’s Coalition Cabinet

Dear Competitors For The Presidency,

     As you may know I am rolling out a national media Ad campaign using radio, tv and newspapers with a stump speech tour across 43 states and DC. Total spend is likely to exceed $150 Million by Election Day. We started the campaign on April 1, 2022. In-person polling shows that 4 in 10 voters pledge their votes to Quigley America’s Independent and write-in Presidential Candidate. We are making history. 75% of Americans hate the Democratic & Republican parties. 75% of Americans will not vote for Biden or Trump in 2024. 49% of Americans are registered and or identify as Independents. Quigley is registered as an Independent Write-In candidate in these 43 states and DC. The status quo ends November 5, 2024. Quigley’s team is taking it to the finish line.

     Quigley is actively recruiting a VP and 24 other cabinet leaders. Positions will be allocated across the political spectrum. An invitation is hereby made to any member of the American political process from all walks of life to contact Quigley. We are building a coalition government better known as Team America. All interested candidates are urged to send over their resumes and or statements of interest for the various leadership positions. The choice is simple. We can continue to battle while Americans and the world suffer. Or we can build a team that will help all Americans solve problems. The dying version of winner take all elections must be retired. Together we will make history and make America work for all of us.

Robert Quigley
America’s Independent For President


                 Press Release

 Robert Quigley America’s Independent For President Coming To Campus

Meet & Greet Robert Quigley America’s Independent Candidate For President; Student Unions, Classes, Auditoriums, Clubs, Lunches, Dinners, On-And Off-Stage Seminars. All Are Welcome. Learn About Quigley’s Platform, Vision For America, How His Team Will Solve Problems And Make America Work For Everybody. Climate Repair, QuigleyCare, 30 Million New Business Owners, Increased Homeownership, Student Loan Forgiveness, Lower Inflation, Cannabis Legalization, Middle East Policy Reform, Forever War Reforms, Abortion Reform, Political Reform, Military Evolution, VeteransCare And Much More. 

Contact Robert Quigley for date and time availability. He will travel to any college or university in the USA. Stipends are $2,500 per visit per day. They must be received two weeks prior to appearance. No refunds, reschedules or cancellations due to tight campaign schedule. Events may be any size including Student Unions, Clubs, Classrooms and Auditoriums inside or outside but must be weather appropriate. Multiple events may occur during each visit. Colleges & Universities to provide normal and usual security. Quigley may solicit campaign donations and volunteer workers during his presentations which all revolve around his run for the White House and or any other topic the parties agree. 

Zoom & Google-Meet Video Conferences are $500 each at 2 hours length.

Robert Quigley 142 Webster St NE, Washington, DC 20011              202-578-8390,,,


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